The benefits offered by the credit cards are very limited and your trip must have been paid with the card to be eligible. As well as only being covered for a maximum period of 90 days when overseas, please be aware that the benefit capped amounts are often insufficient.
Here are some examples of the benefits covered by your credit card:
- Overseas medical expenses: €11,000 only for standard visa cards (equivalent to one day in intensive care in New York. On day two, the bill is yours!)
- Cancellation insurance: only gold cards include a minor cancellation insurance. The standard cards do not. Luggage insurance: your luggage is only covered when it’s in the plane, not during your stay and the maximum cover amount is very limited.
- Type of travel: beware, you are not covered in case of an accident while at work or when practicing certain sports.
Do not hesitate to contact one of our consultant on +33 1 74 85 50 50 in order to review your credit card insurance benefits.