When you apply for a visa, the French authorities will ask you to provide a certificate of insurance meeting certain criteria. This certificate is therefore necessary to obtain your visa.
The abovementioned insurance must cover in particular illness, maternity, invalidity, repatriation and hospitalisation for the duration of the stay in France.
Besides the mandatory aspect, this insurance is useful! Indeed, you do not benefit from national insurance in France. In the event of an accident or sickness, hospitalisation costs can be very expensive. A medical repatriation to your country of origin can also be very expensive.
Cap Working Holiday France is a complete insurance and assistance package that offers cover for the duration of your stay in France as a tourist and worker. You are also covered worldwide (for up to 30 days) in the event of a tourist trip abroad or even to your country of origin.
Going beyond the insurance obligations imposed by the Consulate, Cap Working Holiday France also includes insurance in the event of theft of your luggage (during the journey), as well as "personal life" civil liability in the event of unintentional damage caused to others.