Please file a report in writing within 5 days following the accident or as soon as you become aware of it, indicating the following information:
- The reasons, circumstances, nature as well as the dates and place the accident or death took place
- The medical certificate including the date of the first medical intervention, a detailed description of the nature of the injury and care given as well as the potential consequences
- The hospitalisation certificate
- The death certificate
- The name and address of the responsible party and if possible witnesses and indicate if an accident report or statement has been drawn up
If you subscribed your insurance before 1 May 2017:
You must report the incident within five days, online, on indicating your policy number.
Or by post to the following address:
Service Indemnisations
1, promenade de la Bonnette
92633 Gennevilliers cedex
Fax : 01 41 85 85 61
Mail :
If you subscribed your insurance after 1 May 2017:
You must report the incident online within five days: indicating your policy number.
Or by post to the following address:
Gestion Sinistre
56 rue Laffitte
75009 PARIS
This answer only relates to: Cap Tempo Expat.