Please report the loss or damage of your luggage to the airline company who will give you a receipt.
In case of theft with break and enter or aggression, please file a complaint with the relevant authority.
Then, please send us the incident statement with the following documents:
- Luggage loss or damage declaration by the airline company
- In case of theft with break and enter or aggression, the complaint filed with the relevant authority.
- Invoice for the lost or damaged personal effects, if you can’t, a statutory declaration
- Photos of the damaged personal effects
- Boarding pass
- Copy of the plane ticket
If you subscribed your insurance before 1 May 2017:
You must report the incident within five days, online, on indicating your policy number.
Or by post to the following address:
Service Indemnisations
1, promenade de la Bonnette
92633 Gennevilliers cedex
Fax : 01 41 85 85 61
Mail :
If you subscribed your insurance after 1 May 2017:
You must report the incident online within five days: indicating your policy number.
Or by post to the following address:
Gestion Sinistre
31-35 rue de la Fédération
75010 Paris
This answer only relates to: Cap Student, Cap Working Holiday, Cap Tempo Expat, Cap Volunteering.